工作经验(年):加分项In exceptionalcircumstances,applicantswith extensive relevantprofessional workexperience (e.g., hospital-trained nurses, paramedicsAboriginal health workersmay be considered.Aminimum of five years fulltime relevant professionaexperience is reguired angan interview with theSchool of PopulationHealth may be conducted.
成为准备好工作、强大而灵活的全球卫生领导者,准备好在许多环境和司法管辖区工作,全球健康硕十将为您提供克服当地和全球环境中广泛的高度复杂的人口健康问题所需的知识和技能。 对自己的技能充满信心,学会领导和与来自不同背暑的人一起工作。向我们经验丰富的多学科研究活跃学者团队学习,他们在亚太地区和撒哈拉以南非洲地区及其他地区工作。您毕业时将对全球健康问题、先进的学科知识和技术能力以及推动全球健康解决方案的热情有深刻的理解。
拥有公共卫生或卫生管理相关领域的本科学位和两年的全职专业或志愿者经验。这也可以包括作为四年或更长时间的学位(如MBBS、MD)的一部分而获得的同等专业经验。本科学位加上与公共卫生或卫生管理相关领域的荣誉或研究生学位,在特殊情况下,具有丰富的相关专业工作经验的申请人(例如,经过医院培训的护士、护理人员、原住民卫生工作者)可以得到考虑,要求至少有五年的全职相关专业工作经验,并可能与人口健康学院进行面试。相关须域 相关领域的例子包括,但不限于: 医学/护理/联合健康/卫生科学/生物医学/牙科/社会学/行为和社会科学/心理学/市场营销/人类服务/紧急服务/环境健康/兽医科学/生管理/商业/管理/工程/法律/科学/数学和统计学/经济学/政策研究/发展研究。
An undergraduate degree in a field relevant to public health or health management and two years full-time professional or volunteer experience. This may also include equivalent professional experienceacquired as part of a degree of four or more years duration (e.q, MBBS, MD). An undergraduate degreeplus an honours or postqraduate degree in a field relevant to public health or health management. Inexceptional circumstances, applicants with extensive relevant professional work experience (e.q, hospitatrained nurses, paramedics, Aboriginal health workers) may be considered. A minimum of five vears ful.time relevant professional experience is required and an interview with the School of Population Healthmay be conducted. Relevant fields Examples of relevant fields include. but are not restricted to:medicine/nursina/allied health/health sciences/biomedica sciences/dentistrv/sociology/behavioural anosocial sciences/psychology/marketing/human services/emergency services/environmentahealth/veterinary science/health administration/business/management/engineering /law/science/mathematics and statistics/economics/policy studies/development studies.
An undergraduate degree in a field relevant to public health or health management and two years full-time professional or volunteer experience. This may also include equivalent professional experienceacquired as part of a degree of four or more years duration (e.q, MBBS, MD). An undergraduate degreeplus an honours or postqraduate degree in a field relevant to public health or health management. Inexceptional circumstances, applicants with extensive relevant professional work experience (e.q, hospitatrained nurses, paramedics, Aboriginal health workers) may be considered. A minimum of five vears ful.time relevant professional experience is required and an interview with the School of Population Healthmay be conducted. Relevant fields Examples of relevant fields include. but are not restricted to:medicine/nursina/allied health/health sciences/biomedica sciences/dentistrv/sociology/behavioural anosocial sciences/psychology/marketing/human services/emergency services/environmentahealth/veterinary science/health administration/business/management/engineering /law/science/mathematics and statistics/economics/policy studies/development studies.
工作经验(年):加分项In exceptionalcircumstances,applicantswith extensive relevantprofessional workexperience (e.g., hospital-trained nurses, paramedicsAboriginal health workersmay be considered.Aminimum of five years fulltime relevant professionaexperience is reguired angan interview with theSchool of PopulationHealth may be conducted.