雅思口语1个公式答遍3个part 雅思口语备考提升
如果雅思口语考官问:“Do you have a wallet?” 同学们会怎么回答呢?
5分考鸭的答案:No, I don’t have a wallet.
5-6分考鸭的答案:No, I don’t have a wallet. Because now I often use my phone to pay. It’s very convenient.
■ A:Answer 回答
■ S:Supporting ideas 观点
■ D:Details & examples 支撑观点的细节信息
“ASD”在Part 1中的应用
拿最开始提到的part 1提问:Do you have a wallet?来实操的话,针对同学A的回答我们可以这样去填充内容:首先针对口语考官提的问题,一定要给出相应的答案,即回答考官你是否有钱包:don't really have one;其次随着答案再自然地跟上自己没有钱包的理由和观点:use my smartphone & digital payment is convenient;仅到上一步还不够,要具体说明自己会怎么做,让回答具象化、场景化:scan a QR code & in a convenient store or a supermarket。
Well to be honest. i don't really have one because now I often use mysmartphone to pay. Digital payment is so convenient nowadays.i mean,can simply scan a QR code when I shop in a place, like a convenient storeor a supermarket.
这个答案跟开头的答案一对比,是不是高下立见?所以口语的答案并没有同学们想象得那么可怕。这个时候可能有同学们要问了:part 1的问题比较日常,可以用这种具体的细节填充,但是在part 2&3环节这个思路同样适用吗?答案是:当然!接下来就带大家看看如何实现一个思路搞定更难的part 2&3!
“ASD”在Part 2中的应用
Part 2的难点就在于,问题多,时间长,如果同学们在part 1都容易出现内容拓展不足的问题,那么在part 2这个缺陷会更加明显,来试试一道题:
Describe a short trip you often do but youdon't like.
You should say:
Where you travel to
How often you do this trip
Why you need to do this tripAnd explain why you don't like this trip
Why you need to do this tripAnd explain why you don't like this trip
其实各位考鸭觉不觉得,part 2话题卡上给出的4个小问题,拆分开来看就好像是4个part 1的问题,顿时感觉心理压力没有那么大了。然后每个问题再按照“A-S-D”的思路去展开,补充细节,一段2分钟的论述就形成了。
1. Where you travel to
A: asmall village in my hometownS: I can usually reach the destination in probably 1 hourD: Also, there's a new train station that has been put intouse last year.lt's pretty close to the village as well. So iflchoose to take a bullet train,it'll be even more time-savingwhich takes about 20 minutes only.
2. How often you take this tripA: once or twice a month
S: As long as I'm not so busy with my work,I'll just takethe trip.
D: As I've mentioned, it's not really a place that I need totravel for long time, like 6 or 7 hours.Most of the time, myparents and my sister will go with me.
3.How often you take this trip
A: once or twice a month
S: As long as I'm not so busy with my work,I'll just takethe trip.
D: As I've mentioned, it's not really a place that I need totravel for long time, like 6 or 7 hours. Most of the time, myparents and my sister will go with me.
4. Why you need to take this trip
A: my grandparents live alone
S: I miss them so much and I visit them from time to time.D: They can't get used to the urban life. They prefer thelifestyle of rural area. But I was brought up by them when lwas a kid.lt's kind of a bonding, I'd say.
5.And explain why you don't like this tripA: need to drive extremely slowly
road condition could be really bad at times, and that couldbe quite dangerous;
relatives will ask a lot of perosonal or private questions
I mean on the way to the village, you can even see smallrocks on the road.And when it's raining, the road will bereally muddy,also.
Like,“when are you going to get married?”,“Have you getpromoted this year?, that sort of things. That's why lalways spend time chatting with my grandparents ratherthan talking to other relatives.
“ASD”在Part 3中的应用
“ASD”思路在part 3的作用更加明显,因为part 3的问题都比较抽象且有深度,这个时候如果同学们脑海中有一个清晰的思路来组织答案,将大部分时间用来想观点,那么效果会更好!直接用题目操作给同学们看看:Do you think technology has made visiting more or less common?
■ A: To be quite honest I think 'less common'.
■ S: We can keep in touch with friends and relatives quite easily by using messaging apps on our phones.
■ D: We can send pictures, have video calls and things like that so in many ways we miss each other less than in the past, we have digital connections.